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The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.
Nonprofit Directory / Nonprofit Profile
Our Mission
It Takes a Village To Keep a child safe through education, protection, and bringing the community together.
Our Primary Strategy is to shine a Spotlight on internet predator tactics that lure children into dangerous and compromising situations with those who would do them harm.
The Spotlight is powered by a deep, engaging, scholastic curriculum that educates both children and teachers as to: the signs of predatory communication and grooming, how to avoid compromising situations and dangerous people, the importance of a strong community that is aware of the risks of such predators, and a legislative agenda that will guard our communities and keep our children safe.
The Primary Tactic powering our Spotlight is an experienced Scholastic Curriculum that focuses on the following:
The elements of this landmark Curriculum include:
4. FIRST RESPONDER TRAINING for students and staff.
The Curriculum is written and developed to the NATIONAL STANDARD, STEAM, COMMON CORE and teaching portal that engages and inspires educators at all levels to make a true impact and change lives.
This is the MOST complete and engaging curriculum in the United States today! Without question, the verticals of THE GREENHAND CIRRICULUM will save lives, teach students to think in a better way with regards to safety and threat assessment, and learn to protect not only themselves and their school, but other students as well.
We at The Greenhand Project have contributed the Curriculum for use in every school in the State of Florida. This allows The Greenhand Project to: “TRAIN THE TRAINERS” at no cost to our schools or taxpayers.
With the support of our corporate sponsorship donors we are able to insert these much needed lesson plans for all ages into every grade, in every school. This helps the schools to not be burdened with the financial worry of how to develop and implement their own district plan.
This STANDARDIZED plan comes ready to go (out of the box) and engage with the students DAY 1. If individual schools had to hire, develop, train, and implement this complete curriculum; it would take years and hundreds of thousands of dollars at the least. We solve that problem through community business leaders with a giving heart and by gifting a program that is complete and effective.
We are seeking a Corporate Sponsor to join us and the National Sheriffs Association for the Implementation of our Training Program Nationwide.
How We Can Help
“We believe that not only does it take a village to raise a child, it takes a village to keep a child safe.” The Green Hand Project creates and embraces tight-knit communities of local business owners and educational facilities in order to provide a safe harbor for kids and young-adults that need a place to go in case of an emergency. Our mission is to protect as well as educate these vulnerable members of our communities about safety. Whenever kids and families find themselves in Green Hand Project communities and see the Green Hand Logo displayed in the window of any store front, they will know that these locations are more than just businesses; they are beacons of hope and safety. Our goal is to create a community of business professionals that give back to the area just as much as they benefit from planting their financial roots there. If we only help a single child or young adult in trouble, and successfully create a “safe zone” in that community; our strategic, collective efforts as a community will have been worthwhile.
THE GREEN HAND PROJECT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and is the brainchild of businessman, founder Scott Ward. It was initially created as an initiative to give back to the community and promote child safety. Scott is an ex-Firefighter/Paramedic, has volunteered with the I.C.A.C. Task Force—(Internet Crimes Against Children), is a real estate investment professional and television producer. His unique service-filled background prompted him to bring his idea to life and use the support of residents, business owners, school professionals and the law enforcement community together to create a lasting impact on the local landscape.
Education for child safety, anti human trafficking and best practice for internet and social media management. We also specialize in financial literacy to prepare our youth for better financial decisions as they move ahead in life.
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com