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The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.
To create a network of young professionals in the greater Frisco area that fosters personal and professional development through relationship building, skill enhancement, community enrichment, and career advancement opportunities.
Frisco Young Professionals (FYP) is a program of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce that is designed to provide opportunities for young professionals to develop a personal network, grow professionally, and succeed in business while enhancing the community’s quality of life. This program is geared toward young business leaders in Frisco and the surrounding community. We realize the young professionals of today are the key decision makers of tomorrow. The Frisco Chamber’s goal is to provide development opportunities and tools to help make our future a success.
Are you a member of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce?
Yes? Then all individuals under the age of 45 are automatically members of Frisco Young Professionals (FYP). Be sure to join our email list using the button below.
No? You can still register and attend events at non-member pricing. Be sure to join our email list at the bottom of the page for updates.
ALL young professionals between the ages of 21-45 are welcome to join our group, as we have multiple networking, educational, and philanthropic events each year. Members of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce are FYP members at no cost and can register for each event at member pricing. Not a Frisco Chamber member? No problem!
To keep up with the latest events, please follow us on our FYP Facebook page!
To make Frisco, Texas an attractive and dynamic place for young professionals to engage in professional, personal, and civic development.
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com