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Nonprofit Directory / Nonprofit Profile
Blue Star Mother of America, Inc. is comprised of mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the Military, Guard or Reserves, or children who are Veterans. We support each other and our children while promoting patriotism. Our organization focuses on our mission every single day and will never, ever, forsake our troops, our Veterans or the families of our Fallen Heroes.
Our local Chapter, Yellow Rose TX20, will follow the National Bylaws and Constitution set forth by Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. As a Chapter, we strive to serve our Military in every way.
The Chapter objectives are:
• To HONOR our Fallen Heroes and their Gold Star families by promoting all patriotic holidays, participating in local patriotic civic events, American flag placement in our communities and Wreaths Across America
• To SUPPORT Service Members, at home and abroad, by sending care packages and letters of encouragement, providing Pocket Constitutions for the Dallas Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) and Graduation stoles for newly enlisted High School Seniors
• To SERVE at area VA hospitals by donating our time and goods, participating in local Veteran events and partnering with like-minded Veteran support organizations such as the VFW and American Legion
On January 22, 1942 the Flint News Advertiser printed a coupon asking Mothers of serviceman to return it to the newspaper. After receiving 1,000 responses from the coupon ad, it was decided to form a permanent organization. The following February 1st, 300 mothers met in the Durant Hotel, in Flint Michigan. Captain George H. Maines, who had conceived the idea for this group, acted as the Chair of this first meeting.
On February 6th the organization was reported on Congressional record. Chapters then formed in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, California, Iowa and Washington. In June of 1960 the organization was chartered by Congress.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is now comprised of nearly 200 Chapters and 6,000 Members nationwide.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Yellow Rose – TX20 is a local Chapter established in 2024. It was formed by a small group of passionate mothers that wanted to honor their children serving in our military. We are 100% comprised of Volunteers. Our Chapter services the N. Texas areas of:
Frisco to Denton (east to west)
Pilot Point/Celina to Lewisville (north to south)
…and everywhere in between!
In addition to our Chapter patriotic events, we also host many social gatherings and our monthly Chapter Meeting:
WHERE: Frisco Public Library – 8000 Dallas Parkway Frisco, TX 75034
WHEN: 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30PM
For Chapter membership or questions, please visit www.bluestarmothers.org/join-renew or e-mail President.TX20@bluestarmothers.us
Your monetary contributions to Yellow Rose – TX20 help further our mission through HONOR, SUPPORT and SERVE as mentioned above. How do we utilize donations? Here are a few examples:
*$50 – Provides postage for 3 care packages for deployed Service Members
* $100 – Allows us to participate in 3 local Veteran and patriotic events; granting us the ability to share our support for all our US Armed Forces
*$250 – Recruiting our newest military members is an ongoing effort for the branches. This amount allows us to support local recruiting offices and processing stations with patriotic materials of support
*$500 – Allows us to support 13 Veterans in need with a bag of toiletry essentials or 9 meal bags with items needed to prepare complete dinners
If you are interested in supporting our military in other ways, please reach out to us for more opportunities. We are always eager to partner with organizations that have an interest in donating in-kind items, hosting donation drives, letter writing and care box decorating campaigns, crafting pocket flags and para cord bracelets and even contributing with corporate sponsored box/bag donations. Please e-mail President.TX20@bluestarmothers.us
Be sure to check out our AMAZON WISH LIST for the most popular and needed care packages items:
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com