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The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.
Nonprofit Directory / Nonprofit Profile
Building Resiliency through Engagement in the North Texas Region
What We Do
Continuity planning is a required element for successful business and government agencies. Emergency managers and business continuity professionals alike address mitigation, response, and recovery planning issues. The purpose of ACP is to provide an environment for the exchange of experiences and information. This includes the identification of common planning needs and potential recovery response solutions, as well as networking opportunities through local and national alliances.
As the largest ACP Chapter in the US, and continuously hosting monthly meetings since 1986, our organization serves as a forum for business professionals working in the areas of business continuity, business resumption, disaster recovery, and other related emergency recovery functions. Membership in ACP is open to all professionals interested in the many fields of crisis management, business continuity, and disaster recovery. Our chapter represents the North Texas region and bordering states. Our membership extends to all parts of the Dallas / Ft. Worth metroplex and represents the majority of industries. Guests are always welcome and membership is required for continued meeting attendance, but the ROI on your minimal annual membership pays for itself year after year with all we offer our Chapter Members.
Monthly Meetings with Keynote Speakers
Local and National Leadership Opportunities
Professional Growth & Continued Education Credits
Young Professional & Academia Engagement Program
Discounts to regional and industry conferences
Monthly Newsletter & more
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com