Last night, Frisco City Council members Shona Huffman and Bill Woodard were sworn in for another three-year term in office. The Frisco Chamber of Commerce looks forward to continuing to work with them for the betterment of our community. Additionally, Council Member John Keating was elected by his fellow council members as the Mayor Pro Tem, with Bill Woodard elected as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem.
Here are the 11 items from the meeting that you should be aware of:

- According to Visit Frisco, the Legislature approved a bill by Senator Nelson that gives the option to the Frisco City Council of creating a tourism improvement district. The legislation will take effect on September 1, 2019. More to follow on what this means for the Frisco business community.
- Development Services Monthly Report
- 2020 census is coming up on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Participating in this process is of tremendous importance for the city and the business community. This will have a direct effect on our elected representation and the resources that are allocated to Frisco over the next decade by both the state and federal governments.
- Construction approved by Council:
- Installation of a traffic signal at FM 423 and Rockhill Parkway
- Permits:
- A 10,000 ft. childcare center, south of Hickory/east of Preston - approved 6-0
- Zoning
- North of Punjab Way, west of Legacy Dr. - rezoned 2.5 acres from agricultural to office - approved 6-0
- Frisco Association for the Arts
- Funding approved for FY18-19, - approved 6-0. Agreement to revisit the FY19-20 contract during the summer work session (regarding increased transparency moving forward.)
- Chapter 380 agreement, upon recommendation of Frisco EDC for building of Living Spaces Furniture - approved 5-1
- Retail Development Agreement at the FM 423/US380 intersection, allows for the future construction of US 380 expansion and overpass over FM 423. This includes a 65-foot setback for TxDOT to develop a future overpass - approved 6-0.
- Summer Work Dates for Frisco City Council will be June 27, 2019, and June 29, 2019.
- Council appointments to committees and boards:
- Frisco Square Management District (FSMD) board - Cheney, Huffman, Keating
- Budget and Audit Committee - Livingston, Woodard, Sowell
- Legislative Committee - Huffman, Livingston, Sowell
- Governance Committee - Huffman, Nelson, Sowell
- Ad Hoc Committee for Arts - Huffman, Woodard
- Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee – Keating, Nelson, Woodard
- Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition – Keating
- North Central Texas Emergency Preparedness Committee – Nelson, Sowell- alternate
- North Texas Commission – Huffman
- Regional Transportation Council – Sowell
- Disbanded – sports committee and public relations committee