For Immediate Release
Contact: Holli Davies
North Texas Commission 972-621-0400
North Texas Regional Chamber Coalition Releases Accountability Index
North Texas – The North Texas Regional Chamber Coalition (RCC) released an Accountability Index of the 86th Legislative Session. The 100-plus North Texas Chamber Coalition is dedicated to advancing the vibrancy of the North Texas Region, and feels it is important to communicate as to how this critical legislative session concluded. The Regional Chamber Coalition was formed in August 2018 to amplify the North Texas region’s business and chamber voice in order to effectively advocate for issues within our 13-county region. As a group, the RCC agreed upon 10 legislative priorities for the 86th:- Increased funding for the Skills Development Fund grants to improve workforce training
- Reform public school financing and increase funding
- Maintain all economic development tools available, reauthorizing Texas tax code Chapters 312 to enable Texas the ability to compete for major capital-intensive projects, and fund the Texas Enterprise Fund at or above $200 million for the biennium
- Keep Texas open for business by insuring all persons are welcome regardless of race, religion, or gender expression
- Support innovative financing tools that would leverage state funds to expedite delivery of needed infrastructure projects and maintenance
- Continue the exercise of equitable eminent domain to allow for construction of roads, pipelines, power transmission lines, rail and water infrastructure
- Fund all mandates placed upon government entities in Texas
- Continue to narrowly define entities required to respond to freedom of information requests to not include independent non-profit corporations with no government ownership
- Support the reduction of the number of uninsured Texans by securing available federal and state funds to reform and renew opportunities to broaden the net of coverage for the uninsured
- Build on and increase emphasis on mental health funding started in the 85th Legislature to include increased emphasis on substance abuse
Click here to view the index: NTX Accountability Index Click here to learn more about the North Texas Regional Chamber Coalition