- The city's sales tax collections in the month of July were up 9% from the previous month.
- By a vote of 6-0, Council approved rezoning of a single family property to authorize town homes south of main between Carroll Cir and South County Rd. (Just to south of Patios at the Rail).
- By a vote of 6-0, Council approved an amendment to the Gate Development zoning to authorize a 25 story hotel tower with condos and a conference center. Also authorized an additional adjacent secondary condo building, contingent upon the developer beginning construction of 200,000 sq. Ft of office space on the site.
4. The City Council officially confirmed new commissioners and board members to serve in these volunteer positions with the city:
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Place 1: Brea Gates Place 3: Loren Humphrey Place 5: Carl Kist Place 7: Warren Ruiz
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Place 1: Khushboo Rawlley Place 3: Karen Cunningham Place 5: Ed Szczebak Place 6: Chad Brubaker Place 7: Ed Mahoney
VISIT FRISCO Place 1 (Hotel Representative): Jeff Smith Place 3 (At-Large Representative): Jason Young Place 5 (Retail Representative): Jennifer Gustafson Place 7 (Frisco Square Representative): Rod Schaefer Place 9 (Chamber Representative): Christal Howard Place 11 (Ex-Officio): Thor Anderson
DOWNTOWN ADVISORY BOARD Place 1 (Business or Property Owner): Matthew Calloway Place 3 (Business or Property Owner): Richard Galvan Place 5 (At-Large): Randy Archambault Place 7 (At-Large): Brad Sharp
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Place 1: Gary Carley Place 3: Rick Fletcher Place 4 (FISD Representative): John Classe Place 6: Shanna Keaveny
HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD Place 1: Fred Lusk Place 3: Lee Myrben Place 5: Dennie Franklin
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Place 1: Shane Gilmore Place 3: Dustin Paschal Place 5: Christopher Fields Place 7: Donna-Marie Schmittler
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Place 6: David Box Place 7: Jon Kendall
PUBLIC ART BOARD Place 1: Amy Hardin Place 3: Laverne Forwark Place 5: Robert Moroch Place 7: Carole Gilmore
SOCIAL SERVICES AND HOUSING BOARD Place 1: Brian Thomson Place 3: Sadaf Haq Place 5: Shawnna Dancer Place 7: Chris King
URBAN FORESTRY BOARD Place 1: Ajay Vonkarey Place 3: Hal Deatherage Place 5: Rick Travis Place 7: Stephanie Cleveland