Frisco Enterprise News Article on March 13, 2020:
As events and now classes are being canceled around Frisco, the business community is doing its part to stay informed and help keep their neighbors healthy. In a letter to members on Thursday, Frisco Chamber of Commerce President Tony Felker said the coronavirus no longer presents a case of “if this will impact us … it is now only a question of how it will impact us and to what magnitude. Read more...
This article also includes information from Congressman Van Taylor's updated response:
As more shoppers are avoiding social interaction, small businesses that depend on foot traffic are likely seeing the affects. According to Taylor, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has been instructed to exercise its authority to provide loans to businesses affected by the coronavirus in order to help them overcome any disruptions it causes. More information about SBA programs, such as the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, can be found at