Nonprofit organizations are important to us!
Nonprofit organizations are of great importance to us at the Frisco Chamber of Commerce. Not only because we are a nonprofit organization but because we realize the importance of these organizations to our community.
In late 2019, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and staff created a new strategic plan titled “Transformation,” which identifies three key initiatives – workforce issues, community nonprofit assistance, and small business ecosystem. A fourth focus, financial literacy, was identified and will be woven into each key initiative. Today, in honor of National Nonprofit Day, we’ll focus on Community Nonprofit Assistance.
We recognize that thriving communities are ones where the business community and its employees are engaged by giving back in volunteer hours, contributions, and serving in leadership roles. The more successful, efficient, and productive our nonprofit community is, the better the overall community is and, in turn, strives to be!
Five (of many) reasons nonprofits are essential to a community.
- Drive innovation by finding solutions for local problems.
- Are promoters of civic engagement.
- Are an economic engine and a significant source of jobs.
- Bring people with a shared goal or interest together.
- Bridge public-private partnerships and make collaboration more effective.
Nonprofit Assistance
The Frisco Chamber Board of Directors and staff are currently exploring resources nonprofits need and resources the business community needs to connect with our nonprofit community. A recent survey sent to over 400 local nonprofit organizations revealed that the biggest needs are awareness and volunteers. “We are connectors, problem-solvers, resource providers, and advocates for our nonprofit organizations,” said Tony Felker, President/CEO of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce. “The Frisco Chamber of Commerce is in a unique position to assist the nonprofit sector. We can facilitate connections between businesses desiring to donate funds or staff volunteer time,” Felker said.
The Frisco Chamber also desires to help nonprofits be more productive and efficient in their purposes and help ensure that a nonprofit organization is financially sound. “Our goal is to provide resources and education. A nonprofit organization has a heart and soul and a desire to give back but should be run like a business,” said Felker.

Our Leadership Frisco program dedicates an entire day to learning about nonprofit organizations in the community. This allows class members to explore opportunities to serve in leadership roles within nonprofit organizations
No doubt, nonprofit organizations make our communities better in countless ways, and we want to thank each and every one of them for the role they play in our community.
Whether you are giving your time, resources, leadership, or all of the above to nonprofit organizations, I think you can agree that nonprofit organizations are the glue that holds our community together.
Fun Facts

What's next?
And lastly, approximately 35% of chambers of commerce across the United States have created foundations with a 501(c)(3) tax status to support their communities. The Frisco Chamber of Commerce currently has a 501(c)(6) tax status. Our members pay membership dues that allow us to offer benefits to our members and support our overall work in the community.
With our nonprofit key initiative in mind, we are in the process of creating a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Foundation, which will allow the Frisco Chamber to accept tax-deductible donations for work focused on specific purposes outlined in our strategic plan, including assisting local nonprofits. Stay tuned!