Frisco Tourism Public Improvement District
Leveraging the fast growth the Frisco has seen over the last 10 years, Senate Bill 385 authorizes the City of Frisco to create a Tourism Public Improvement District. Authored by Frisco-area Senator Jane Nelson and sponsored by Frisco-area Representative Justin Holland, Senate Bill 385 expands a tourism marketing program that was first utilized by the city of Dallas. Participating hotels will contribute a 2% fee on guests in order to fund the district. The TPID fund will be used for marketing efforts and incentive packages to attract groups to Frisco, which will positively impact hotel, retail, and restaurant industries, among others. Read more

Toll Road Transparency
House Bill 803 will require tolling entities like NTTA to provide upfront, clearer, and easier-to-access financial data, instead of embedding information in lengthy reporting documents. The legislation will highlight the final maturity of all bonds issued by the entity for the toll project or system; toll revenue for each toll project for the previous fiscal year; the total revenue collected and expenses incurred by the entity for the previous fiscal year - including surplus revenue; and a capital improvement plan with expected expenditures by the entity. House Bill 803 was authored by Frisco-area Representative Jared Patterson and sponsored by Frisco-area Senator Angela Paxton, and passed both chambers unanimously. Read more