Information provided by Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas
Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas has always been dedicated to helping your business through our value-added services and programs. Did you know that we’re just as dedicated to supporting your essential workers who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 battle, selflessly supporting all of us?
With the closure of schools and child care programs due to the pandemic, many frontline essential worker parents and guardians need child care. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides funding that can be used to provide free child care for COVID-19 essential personnel who need to continue working during this emergency.
Since funding is limited, Boards must prioritize child care services for TWC COVID-19 essential workers in the order listed:
- Workers in child care services that support workers in other essential functions
- Pharmacy and health care workers
- First responders
- Critical infrastructure workers in grocery, utilities, and trucking
- Other identified infrastructure workers, which include critical state and local government staff; mail/delivery services; nursing homes, home health care, and other direct care providers; banks; gas stations; military; and restaurants and other food delivery