- Schedule a pre-submittal meeting (held 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month) with the Planning Division to allow you to become more familiar with the City’s development codes and procedures and to ensure that applications will contain the required information. After reviewing Common Pre-Submittal Issues and Resources, contact Anthony Satarino, Senior Planner, at (972) 292-5354 or via email at ASatarino@friscotexas.gov to schedule an appointment. Available time slots fill quickly; therefore, it is recommended that you request an appointment a minimum of two weeks in advance (slots are often filled up to a month in advance.)
- It is important to remember that passage by Planning & Zoning does not equal a complete review by Development Services. Engineering, Traffic, Public Works, landscape, and an approved site and façade plan are required.
- New buildings to be constructed must have a project assignment by Planning and Engineering prior to submitting for any Building Permit. However they do not require the site plan to be approved before submittal.
- When filling out the Commercial Application, please fill it out in its entirety. Applicants can schedule appointments with plan examiners for pre-submittal of a building permit or to review questions about the application package.
- Provide multiple email addresses on the application so that everyone receives communication, including the business owner and/or manager.
- A pre-construction meeting with Building Inspections is required prior to the issuing of the Building Permit. It is a good idea to have subcontractors included in this meeting.