What you need to know:
- Proposed Denton County tax rate is: $0.225278. This is a slight drop from last year. For the average home value of $333,406 for a Denton County taxpayer, the county portion of their tax bill for the year will be $751.
- The total combined budget (excluding bond funds) is $321,536,026. This includes the Operating Expenditures at $235.2 million; Other Funds at $7.5 million; Permanent Improvement at $16.4 million; Debt Service at $62.5 million; Contingencies at $8.8 million and Reserves at $63 million. The General Fund alone accounts for the largest portion of the budget with $191,064,085 in operating expenditures for the coming year, which is basically level funding from the $190,733,590 budgeted in the prior year.
- Judicial salaries are increasing due to a new state law, including longevity pay (unfunded mandate from the state).
- The county is funding many new road projects in Precinct 1, which includes Frisco, in order to prepare for all of the new growth in the area. This includes a new road that will be the primary access point to the new PGA Headquarters development.
- Sept. 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - Courthouse on the Square, 110 West Hickory, Denton, Texas