United States Academic Decathlon National Finals Competition
In April, Frisco will once again host the United States Academic Decathlon National Finals Competition. High schools from around the country will compete in 10 academic events* for team and individual awards, scholarships, and the chance to win a National Title.
To do this well, USAD needs you! This large-scale event requires approximately 200 volunteers. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the past, and we hope that they can continue to rely on your support and your encouragement to those hesitant to volunteer.
The main need for volunteers is on Thursday afternoon, April 27, 2023 as Speech and Interview judges. This is a big ask, in terms of time and work, but it is incredibly rewarding. These kids are very good and will impress you, and you don’t need advanced speech degrees to be able to do a great job! You will be provided you with basic training material in advance as well as in person demonstrations. These two parts of the competition run from 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM and you will be required to stay for the duration. You will be asked to you arrive at 12:45 PM for the training. (Please be aware that things could happen that extend the time, but historically we have been good about keeping things running on time.)
Test and Super Quiz Proctors will be tasked with ensuring academic integrity during the written tests as well as setting up and transitioning between tests.
If you have any questions, or are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Bryan Rasmussen (brasmussen@collin.edu).
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Our Strategic Plan
Our most current Strategic Plan places and increase focus on Workforce Issues and Advocacy. We truly believe our future workforce lies in the hands of our current business community.
Judging competitions or volunteering with students can be a great way to give back to the community and contribute to the development of the next generation of professionals. It can also provide a fresh perspective and the opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations in their field.
As always, I close with the following: Our future looks pretty bright!