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The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.
Nonprofit Directory / Nonprofit Profile
Texas TicKids’ mission is to change lives of underprivileged children and families through access to live events that expand minds, create joy and inspire dreams.
Every Child Deserves to Dream
We believe every child should have access to the joy of live events — be it theatre, museums or pro sports. Texas TicKids has ambitious goals to enhance the lives of youth and strengthen our communities.
• The Accessibility Gap
While DFW boasts a vibrant array of live events, the stark reality is one in three of our children are growing up in poverty. This disparity highlights the need for initiatives that bridge the gap between available resources and underserved communities.
• Innovative Solution to Fill the Gap
TicKids tackles this challenge by sourcing ticket donations from venues, businesses, and individual donors. We partner with existing charities that serve families in need, allowing them to distribute these tickets directly to youth/families.
Donors upload tickets to our website, where they are listed on our event calendar. Approved charity partners can then access these tickets through a secure login. Our platform facilitates the seamless exchange of tickets via private emails to both the donor and the charity.
• Benefits for All Stakeholders
Our platform ensures that seats are filled at venues, provides tax benefits to donors, and supports charities by offering them new opportunities to serve their clients while preserving their own resources.
Most importantly, the children we serve undergo truly transformational experiences. Numerous studies demonstrate that exposure to the arts and sports positively impacts academic performance and socio-emotional development. By exposing children to diverse events, we help foster creativity, resilience, and a stronger sense of self.
Although many organizations already have community engagement programs, TicKids aims to broaden their reach. Feedback from local non-profits indicates a significant need for more event opportunities, with many organizations unaware of the tickets available to them. By collaborating with nonprofits of all sizes across the DFW area that serve children, TicKids connects the dots, facilitating access to diverse events for a variety of charities.
Ongoing events in DFW.
Tis the Season — Tickets for Tots holiday events
Play Ball! — Big sports
Arts & Culture
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com