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The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.
Nonprofit Directory / Nonprofit Profile
To improve the lives of all people in our community by investing in their health, wealth, living and learning. We accomplish this by growing community giving, expanding community impact, and advancing community equity.
Our community is a special place, with a long history of caring citizens, rapid growth and a robust economy. But as it continues to grow, so do the needs of those facing imbalances in income, racial equity, and educational and economic opportunity. And data suggests these needs will only increase. But the future of our community can remain bright.
At Communities Foundation of Texas, we work side by side with caring donors, committed nonprofits, philanthropy-focused businesses and civic leaders to help build communities that thrive for all.
We work to meet our mission by:
Providing giving opportunities through charitable and legacy living, planning, and consulting for individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses.
Grantmaking and engaging our community around priority issues.
Increasing academic achievement and educational equity for all students in Texas, especially African American, Latino, and economically disadvantaged.
Developing and sharing knowledge and expertise about community needs and resources.
6843 Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: (972) 335-9522 info@friscochamber.com