In the News: Voter Turnout in Frisco Plunges from November to May


Voter Turnout In Frisco Plunges From November To May

Tony Felker, President/CEO and Christopher Lee, Director of Government Affairs, both of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, weigh in on May versus November elections, partisan issues, and engaging voters.

More than 78% of Frisco’s registered voters cast ballots in the November general election, which combined state and national races with city council and school board seats, resulting in the highest participation numbers the city had seen in recent local elections.

Just months later with only local races on the ballot in May, Frisco’s turnout reached only 8.9%.

Read more here.

“Moving local elections to November could also make them more partisan, and that’s something to be avoided,” said Christopher Lee. “It’s hard to be partisan when you’re trying to decide where a sidewalk goes. That’s not a partisan issue. It should be what’s best for the citizens of Frisco, period.”

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