Your Small Investment May Keep You From Making Costly Mistakes!
Who should attend the HR Summit? YOU! This summit will provide valuable and relevant information. If YOU lead people, the information you receive could potentially protect you from lawsuits, help you manage and retain employees, and help you make mental health a priority in your organization.
COVID and the Law
The pandemic brought on a whole new host of legal issues, enough to keep one’s head spinning. It is hard to keep up-to-date on the most current rules and regulations from unemployment claims to issues to vaccine mandates.
“Employment Law in a COVID World” will break down key legislation and explain critical issues in a way that makes sense and will help you to understand the effects of the COVID-related laws!
Avoiding Turnover Costs and Improving Performance
Employers across all industries are experiencing “The Great Resignation.” Losing employees costs money and consumes valuable time. How can you decrease turnover and improve performance? At our HR Summit, we will discuss techniques on how to engage, manage, and retain employees that will make them want to stay and attract others.
Mental Health in the Workplace
As a result of COVID and everything related, many employees are now dealing with a host of mental health issues that perhaps weren’t there before. Those that already had mental health issues are now coping with escalating issues. YOU are the front lines of dealing with employees and a host of issues. This information will help you navigate our changing work environment.
In this session, we will focus on the day-to-day stresses and anxieties that employees deal with and the increased issues as a result of COVID. You are invited to learn how to monitor and better assist your employees.
See You at the HR Summit
Whether your goal is to invest in your growth, network with other professionals, celebrate YOU and your resilient counterparts, or all of the above, we hope to have you join us at the HR Summit on February 22, 2022! We thank our many partners, sponsors, vendors for helping to make this year’s summit a success!
Investing in Your Employees is One of the Best Ways to Retain Talent!
We also know that investing in our employee’s growth is one of the best ways to retain talent – perhaps you have team members who would benefit from the information and be celebrated for their hard work. We hope you will encourage them to join us by sharing our flyer or this blog post.