Leadership Frisco Class 26 members celebrated their graduation INTO leadership and the completion of their class project during a ceremony held on May 5, 2023,
How It Started
On September 9, 2022, twenty-five individuals from a variety of industries and walks of life arrived to kick off their Leadership Frisco experience. Some had learned about the program through co-workers, their employer, or a friend who had completed the program. All knew it was an honor and privilege to be selected as part of Leadership Frisco Class 26!
The first session during the opening weekend included getting to know each other and learning leadership styles. The ropes course the following day helped the class members bond as a team.
A Team is Born
In addition to the informative class days, each Leadership Frisco class is tasked with coming up with and implementing a class project that will benefit the community prior to their graduation in May. Very early in the program year, the class selected two of its members to co-lead class communications and the class project. Sharon White and Frank Charles were selected to fill this role.
In October, class members submitted sixteen different class project ideas for discussion, which was later narrowed down to four ideas and ultimately one! The class collectively decided that its ultimate mission would be to enhance the lives of special needs families in Frisco and set out to identify organizations that could use assistance.
Fore Frisco
What took place over the next many months was no easy task! In order to raise money for the two selected special needs organizations, Frisco Flyers Special Olympics Texas and Lone Star Abilities Network, a fundraising event named Fore Frisco was born and came to fruition on April 24, 2023.
Over 165 participants and sponsors filled 16 bays at the Top Golf in the Colony to raise money for the two organizations.
Check Presentation

The evening ended with a check presentation to Frisco Flyers Special Olympics Texas for $23,000 and Lone Star Abilities Network for $27,000. In early May, class member Kevin Rackers presented at 100 Men Who Give a Damn and collected an additional $1,000 for the programs.
Some of the Biggest Take-Aways
At the Leadership Frisco graduation ceremony, the class shared many takeaways from the program and the class project process. It was evident that they had grown both as individuals and as a team. Congratulations, Class 26, on graduating INTO leadership.
“A team working together and aligned on a common goal can accomplish astronomical things.” Gary Ramsey, Fannie Mae

“No matter how large or small the contribution to the project, EVERYONE MATTERED with respect to the bottom line result.” Dan Peril, Bank of America
“This Leadership Frisco Class project showcased the diverse talents and characters of 25 individuals formally selected to work on a common goal which showed service above self – just what Leadership Frisco leaders should embody.” Frank Charles, Dallas Tennis Education and Academy

“We were each put into Class 26 for a reason. The reasons were on full display through the project process. It provided each individual the opportunity to display and contribute through their individual and unique skills.” Cori Powers, Visit Frisco
“Being a part of Leadership Frisco allowed me to grow as a leader in a real-world environment and work with a variety of personalities and strengths.” Sharon White, Frisco ISD

Want To Be a Part of Leadership Frisco?
First, we encourage you to read the Application Instructions to ensure you can meet the qualifications and dedicate the time required to participate in the Leadership Frisco program.
Next, you will want to mark these important dates on your calendar:
Thursday, June 15, 2023. Applications are due no later than 5:00 PM CST. Late applications cannot be accepted.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 – Meet and Greet While not mandatory, attending this event is strongly recommended to give the selection committee the opportunity to see you shine!
Friday, September 8, and Saturday, September 9, 2023 – Kick-Off Weekend If selected for the class, this weekend is required to continue participating.