The JROTC Cyber Training Act

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to Senator John Cornyn in order to thank him for his co-sponsorship of the JROTC Cyber Training Act (S.2154, H.R. 3266), which was recently introduced in the Senate. The 2019 Frisco Chamber Legislative Agenda calls for our representatives at the federal and state levels to promote workforce development education programs to cultivate a skilled workforce and the JROTC Cyber Training Act does just that. Additionally, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce sent letters to Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Michael Burgess, and Congressman Van Taylor asking for their support of the bill.

How does this impact your business? The bill will create a new pipeline of future workforce in Texas for one of the fastest growing pieces of the economy.

You can read the full text of the letter below:




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