Financial Literacy
As part of the 2021-2025 Frisco Chamber of Commerce Strategic Plan, the Frisco Chamber identified key initiatives – workforce issues/advocacy, small business ecosystem, and community nonprofit assistance. Another key area, financial literacy is being woven into the other initiatives.
About HB 4342
Financial literacy education plays a vital role in preparing high school students for their next steps; to be college, career, and/or military-ready.
Texas businesses, large and small, have concerns that the workforce lacks financial literacy, hindering the ability to recruit or promote from within. Financial literacy is also an essential life skill that will benefit Texans for generations of prosperity.
House Bill 4342 will integrate the harmonious concepts of financial literacy into the existing economics course so students can learn these essential life skills, allowing students to be more engaged in the economics curriculum when they see the real-world application that is relevant to their own lives.
Additionally, financial literacy will prepare Texans for a globally competitive job market and provide them with the tools to be successful in the free market.
We feel that HB 4342, filed by Rep. Plesa in collaboration with the Frisco Chamber, would prepare our high school students to achieve financial security as adults.
Update on HB 4342

The House Public Ed Committee has recommended HB 4342 be sent to Local & Consent Calendars Committee with a favorable report without amendments! Vote was 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting and 3 absent.
Thank you to the House Pub Ed Committee for recognizing the importance of a robust financial literacy curriculum in our Texas public schools!
Thank you, Representative Plesa for championing HB 4342!
Also, a big thank you to all of our business, education, and community members who contacted the Texas House Public Education Committee members, in support of HB 4342. Rep. Plesa presented the bill in front of the Committee right before midnight on Tuesday evening, along with Tony Felker, President/CEO of the Frisco Chamber, testifying for the bill. To watch HB 4342 testimony, click the button below and forward to the 3:53:41 mark.